Coronation Street Party and Bake Off

For the Kings Coronation on the 6th May 2023 Holt Recruitment held a Coronation Street Party and Coronation Bake Off with a difference! For a start, our “Street Party” was held INSIDE! We weren’t taking any chances with the good old British Weather and it was just as well considering the rain we had on […]
The Great Unretirement – what does it mean for Recruitment?

What does the great “Unretirement” mean for Recruitment? COVID gave a large number of 50 to 64 year olds a sight of just how green the grass is on the other side of the retirement fence. Many older workers liked what they saw and took the opportunity to opt out of employment – not because […]
Recruitment Versus Headhunting – what’s the difference

Recruitment V Headhunting – what’s the difference? Headhunting is one of the many specialist services that we offer here are Holt Recruitment. Sometimes the perfect candidate isn’t even aware that there is a better position waiting for them – our job is to find them and convince them that the grass is greener with you. […]
Holt Group September 2022 Round up

A lot of good things have happened within the Holt Recruitment Group since our last News Post so it’s about time we posted an update! From Employee of the Month to Dog of the Month (careful not to mix the photographs up!) as well as New starters, a Charity Rally and an exciting Recruitment Open Day coming up.
Loneliness: Resources to Help

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK, with a focus on “Loneliness”. We have put together some resources and ideas about what you can do to tackle loneliness.
Holt “Row Around Great Britain” Challenge | Rowing to support Margaret Green Animal Rescue

It’s time for the annual Holt Charity Challenge! This year we took a team vote and decided to commit to a whopping 2000+ mile “Row Around Great Britain” in support of Dorset and Devon based Margaret Green Animal Rescue!
Holt “A Mile an Hour” Challenge | Running to support local food bank “Hope for Food”.

We decided to commit to a 24hr “A Mile an Hour” run on April 23rd to support “Hope for Food”, a local food bank here in Bournemouth, Dorset. Find out more and support our effort here!
How to Make Your Work Place Safer During COVID-19

Besides washing your hands, what else can you do to help keep your staff healthy and your business moving forward? Well, we’ve shared a few ideas below. Hopefully, you’ll find one or all of them useful. Here we go!
7 Questions You Should Be Asking In An Interview

Interviews are designed to do just one thing: identify the best possible candidate for the advertised job. Sometimes it may feel that the questions are there to deliberately catch you out, so, we are here to help…
Why Use a Recruitment Agency?

Today we look at why it might be worth working with a specialist recruitment agency, instead of taking on your recruitment needs yourself. Let’s have a look…