The Great Unretirement – what does it mean for Recruitment?
What does the great “Unretirement” mean for Recruitment? COVID gave a large number of 50 to 64 year olds a sight of just how green the grass is on the other side of the retirement fence. Many older workers liked what they saw and took the opportunity to opt out of employment – not because […]
How to Make Your Work Place Safer During COVID-19
Besides washing your hands, what else can you do to help keep your staff healthy and your business moving forward? Well, we’ve shared a few ideas below. Hopefully, you’ll find one or all of them useful. Here we go!
Why Use a Recruitment Agency?
Today we look at why it might be worth working with a specialist recruitment agency, instead of taking on your recruitment needs yourself. Let’s have a look…
Our Partnership with the Dorset Children’s Foundation
We are very excited to announce that this year’s partnership is with The Dorset Children’s Foundation. Find out more about the exciting work they do and the upcoming charity events that they are hosting.
Holt Insights: Declining the Counter Offer
Finally you decide to hand in your letter of resignation and your boss comes back to you with an attractive counter offer, now what do you do?
Holt Insights: Company Culture and Who’s Responsible for It
The final nugget of wisdom in this series. Watch as Paul talks about company culture and who is actually responsible for it…
Holt Insights: The Importance of Enjoying Where You Work
A little wisdom about loving where you work, why interviews are a two-way street and getting the most from your company culture. They are all very short, filled with fantastic career advice – definitely worth a watch.
Holt Insights: Interviewing is a Two-Way Street
It’s not just about the company/business interviewing YOU. In many ways, you are also interviewing THEM to see if you’d like to work there if it’s a good fit. Let’s take a look…